(for Older Girls)

Time is short.  From the time our girls are born until they launch into the adult world, we have, at best, 17-20 years to teach them all they will need to know to successfully navigate life in the “real world.”

And, these days, it seems as if the “real world” is getting more and more complicated and confusing with each passing day. As parents, teachers and friends we find ourselves easily able to identify with Jesus’ words when it comes to “launching” our kids…

“Look, I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves.”    Matthew 10:16 (CSB)

Yet, there is hope! In just three short years, Jesus, through his teaching, his example, and his personal demonstration, showed his followers a whole new way to live that would change their lives (and ours) forever. In fact, they would go on to become a part of the most significant movement in the history of the world!

How did he do it? What did He teach them? How did He motivate and train them to live a different way? That’s what Victory Time is all about!


Girls see themselves as unconditionally loved by God and placed here for His purposes. They learn five of the Winning Ways Jesus taught people to live AND how to defend their minds from enemy lies. They are motivated to see their circumstances from God’s point of view and to choose to respond God’s way because they understand God’s way is the best way.

Parent Guide

What Has My Child Learned?

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Hope Kids' Ministry experience or visiting Hope Church with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!