From the moment your preschooler arrives in the Sunshine Factory, he or she will be engaged in the "work" of our factory: building with blocks, setting up a dollhouse, creating crafts, putting puzzles together, or playing catch! Our teaching style will put your child at ease and keep him or her actively engaged through large group story time and small group learning centers, designed especially with preschoolers in mind!
What Has My Child Learned?
January 12th
Bible Verse: "With God everything is possible" (Matthew 19:26b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus cares about families. Children heard how Jesus healed Jairus' daughter. They talked about ways they can show love to their families.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did Jesus take care of Jairus' family? What can you do to show Jesus' love to someone in our family? How can our family tell other families that Jesus cares?
January 19th
Bible Verse: "With God everything is possible" (Matthew 19:26b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus cares about all kinds of people. Children heard how Jesus gave sight to a blind man. They practiced ways to show Jesus' love to others.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did Jesus care for the blind man? How does Jesus care for you? How can our family show that we care for all kinds of people?
January 26th
Bible Verse: "With God everything is possible" (Matthew 19:26b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus cares about people who are sick. The childre n heard how Jesus healed 10 men with leprosy. They thanked God for their strong bodies.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did Jesus care for the sick people? Who takes care of you when you're sick? How can our family show Jesus' love to people who are sick?
February 2nd
Bible Verse: "The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus loves us and knows our names. The class heard about a good shepherd who loved his sheep. The children called each other by name and thanked Jesus for knowing their names.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did the good shepherd take care of his sheep? How does Jesus take care of you? Does Jesus know the names of everyone in our family? What else does Jesus know about our family?
February 9th
Bible Verse: "The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus loves us and keeps us safe. The class heard how a shepherd found his lost sheep. The children talked about what it's like to be lost and thanked God for taking care of them.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How do shepherds keep their sheep safe? Who keeps you safe? How can our family look out for each other this week?
February 16th
Bible Verse: "The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus loves us and gives us what we need. The children heard about a shepherd who took good care of his sheep. They named needs and wants and prayed about their needs.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What do sheep need? What do you need? How can our family trust Jesus to meet our needs?
February 23rd
Bible Verse: "The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus loves us and wants us to follow him. Children told their Bible story about the lost sheep to their puppet friend. They talked about ways they can follow Jesus.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What happened when the sheep didn't follow the shepherd? How can you follow Jesus? How can our family help each other follow Jesus this week?
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Hope Kids' Ministry experience or visiting Hope Church with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!