NorthStar Overview

Training to Navigate the Christian Adventure

NorthStar is designed to develop leaders who take ownership for personal growth, invest in the Kingdom, and view themselves as life-long learners. If you want to learn to navigate the Christian life well and grow in influence with those around you, NorthStar may be the right step for you. Check out the details below and RSVP for the Training Information Meeting to learn more.

Time Investment

NorthStar is a 2-year program that consists of 8 six-week courses. (4 courses per program year) Each course will include:

4 Meetings (1.5 hours)

2 Coaching Meetings (2-3 hours)

1 Seminar (4-7 hours)

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of homework is involved?

Approximately 2 hours of homework per week which includes...

Watching Videos

Reading/Listening to Books

Completing a Learning Journal

Special Projects

What are the meetings like?

Meetings are 1.5 hour in length and include watching videos, discussion, and hands-on projects to practice applying what you are learning. There will be time for connecting and praying for one another at each meeting.

What other experiences are there?

Seminars: more intensive training to support what you are learning in the regular meetings and the weekly homework assignments.

Experiential Training Events: a group hands-on experience with discussion and debrief.

1X1 Coaching: trainee shares with and gets feedback from a coach on what they are learning as they walk with God and participate in NorthStar.

Coaching Clusters: group of 2-4 trainees and their coach encouraging and praying for each other.

What does it cost?

$100 per individual per course plus additional costs such as...

Approximately $40 per course in year 1 & $90 per course in year 2 for books the student buys for NorthStar Curriculum and fees for seminars.

Can I just try it out?

Yes, your initial commitment is for Courses A & B (both 6-week installments). After that, based on your feedback and your coach’s we can determine if continuing to the next course makes senses. Once the second year starts, the commitment is for the entire year.

What if I know I will have to miss 1 or 2 meetings due to my schedule?

If you look at the calendar and already know you will miss more than two of the calendar events then this might not be the year for you to begin NorthStar. Talk to your Campus Director about the events you will miss before signing the covenant and committing to NorthStar.

When does NorthStar Start?

August 6th

What are the prerequisites to join NorthStar?

Be a member of Hope Church

Serve on a ministry team at Hope Church

Have a pattern of financial giving to Hope Church

Have shown interest in learning more about ministering and leading in ministry

Is there a minimum age to participate in NorthStar?

NorthStar training is designed for those who are at least 22 years old and who are focused on establishing their career and/or family life and are under time pressures and emotional pressures from those. It is not designed for the social/emotional pressures usually encountered in college campus life.

For that reason, across the 17-6 Network, churches that participate in NorthStar do not invite people into training until they are 22 years old or older.  

Questions about NorthStar?