From the moment your preschooler arrives in the Sunshine Factory, he or she will be engaged in the "work" of our factory: building with blocks, setting up a dollhouse, creating crafts, putting puzzles together, or playing catch! Our teaching style will put your child at ease and keep him or her actively engaged through large group story time and small group learning centers, designed especially with preschoolers in mind!
What Has My Child Learned?
September 29th
Bible Verse: “Be kind to each other" (Ephesians 4:32a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God wants us to forgive. Children heard how Joseph forgave his brothers (Genesis 50:14-21). The children learned about forgiveness by celebrating the story of Joseph forgiving his brothers.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What happened to Joseph and his brothers in you Bible story today? When have you done something that hurt another person? How can you be friends with that person again? What can our family members do to show forgiveness to each other?
October 6th
Bible Verse: It is the Lord's battle, not ours (1 Samuel 17:47b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God helps us do hard things. Children heard how God helped David fight a lion to protect his sheep (1 Samuel 17:34-37). They named hard things and asked God to help them with those things.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What hard things did David do? What are some hard things you have to do? What can our family do to help each other with hard things this week?
October 13th
Bible Verse: It is the Lord's battle, not ours (1 Samuel 17:47b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God helps us trust him. Children heard how David accomplished big things because he trusted God (1 Samuel 16:16-17:51). They asked God to help them trust him.
Questions to Ask Your Child: When did God help David trust him? When do you need to trust God? How can our family members let God help us trust him this week?
October 20th
Bible Verse: It is the Lord's battle, not ours (1 Samuel 17:47b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God helps us obey him. Children heard how God helped David obey his father (1 Samuel 17:1-22). They talked about rules and asked God to help them follow those rules.
Questions to Ask Your Child: When did David have to follow directions? How do you feel when you have to follow a rule that you don't like? How can our family trust God to help us follow his rules this week?
October 27th
Bible Verse: It is the Lord's battle, not ours (1 Samuel 17:47b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God helps us be brave. Children heard how God helped David be brave as he fought Goliath (1 Samuel 17:23-51). They shared things that scare them and asked God to help them be brave.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What do you think David was afraid of? What things are you afraid of? How can our family trust God to help us be brave this week?
November 3rd
Bible Verse: "The Lord himself watched over you!" (Psalm 121:5a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God watched over us when we're away from home. Children heard how Daniel and his friends moved (Daniel 1:1-3). During class, children asked God to be with them when they're away from home.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did Daniel and his friends feel about leaving their homes? How do you feel when you're away from home? What can our family do to remind us that God is watching over us when we're away from home?
November 10th
Bible Verse: "The Lord himself watched over you!" (Psalm 121:5a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God watches over us at school. Children heard how Daniel and his friends went to school (Daniel 1:4-21). They talked about their experiences at preschool and in church classes.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What did Daniel and his friends learn at school? What was the favorite thing you learned in preschool or church school this week? What new things can our family learn this week?
November 17th
Bible Verse: "The Lord himself watches over you!" (Psalm 121:5a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God watches over us when we're scared. Children heard how Daniel helped the king of Babylon after a bad dream (Daniel 2:1-3, 19). They talked about things that scare them.
Questions to Ask Your Child: Why was the king of Babylon afraid? When do you feel afraid? How can our family help each other when we're afraid?
November 24th
Bible Verse: "The Lord himself watches over you!" (Psalm 121:5a).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that God watches over us all the time. Children heard how God watched over Daniel's friends in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:1-30). They talked about times God watches over them.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were thrown into the fiery furnace? When does God watch over you? When does God watch over our family?
December 1st
Bible Verse: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus is God's son, promised long ago. Children heard how Isaiah told people that Jesus would come. They talked about what it's like to wait and practiced waiting patiently.
Questions to Ask Your Child: Why did people want Jesus to come? How can you be patient while you wait for Christmas? How can our family get ready to celebrate Jesus' birthday?
December 8th
Bible Verse: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus is God's Son. The children heard how angels told Mary and Joseph about Jesus' birth. They learned that at Christmas we celebrate Jesus' birthday.
Questions to Ask Your Child: Who told Mary that baby Jesus would be God's Son? Who can you tell that Jesus is God's Son? How can our family show our love for Jesus this week?
December 15th
Bible Verse: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus is God's Son, born in a stable. The children heard how Mary and Joseph found no room in the inn. They talked about ways they could make room for Jesus.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How do you think Mary and Joseph felt when they couldn't find a room? How do you feel when there's not enough room for you? What can our family do to make room for Jesus in our lives this week?
December 22nd
Bible Verse: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned how Angels Announced that Jesus is God's Son. The children heard about the angels' appearance to shepherds. They practiced telling each other about Jesus like the shepherds did.
Questions to Ask Your Child: What did the shepherds do when they heard about Jesus? How can you be like the shepherds? Who can our family tell about Jesus this week?
December 29th
Bible Verse: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that the Wise Men knew that Jesus is God's Son. The children heard how the wise men followed the star to Jesus. They talked about ways they could shine for Jesus.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did the wise men know where to find God's Son, Jesus? Where can you find Jesus today? What gifts can our family give to Jesus this week?
January 12th, 2025
Bible Verse: "With God everything is possible" (Matthew 19:26b).
Lesson Summary: Today your child learned that Jesus cares about families. Children heard how Jesus healed Jairus' daughter. They talked about ways they can show love to their families.
Questions to Ask Your Child: How did Jesus take care of Jairus' family? What can you do to show Jesus' love to someone in our family? How can our family tell other families that Jesus cares?
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Hope Kids' Ministry experience or visiting Hope Church with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!